
Physiotherapy is now more accessible than ever before!
Our Winnipeg based Physiotherapists are ready to provide you with safe, quality remote patient care via tele-rehabilitation. These appointments can take place via video chat or phone call from the comfort of your own home. Whether a previous injury has decided to resurface, a new injury has occurred or you are unable to access in person care, our Physiotherapists are here to help.
Most insurance companies recognize tele-rehabilitation and continue to fund your physiotherapy even though it is remote!
Contact us today to set up an online tele-rehabilitation assessment or subsequent treatment.
What is Tele-Rehabilitation?
It is an accessible way to have a physiotherapy appointment. Tele-rehab shadows an in-person appointment, the only difference being there is no hands on approach.
Does it Cost More Than an In-Person Visit?
No, our Physiotherapists are here to help you at the same price as an in-person visit
Is it the Right Option for me?
If you are high risk for Covid-19 or are unable to leave your place of residence, tele-rehab might be the best option for you!
How do you Protect my Information During a Session?
Patient confidentiality is our number one concern. During your session your Physiotherapist will be in a private room and all conversations will be kept between yourself and your physiotherapist
Does my Insurance Cover Tele-Rehabilitation?
Most insurance companies will cover a tele-rehab physio session
Do you Direct Bill?
Yes, we can still direct bill to most insurance companies for a tele-rehab physio session
See you in the Virtual World!
Book Your Appointment With Our Healthcare Professionals Today!